Parenting Tips and Strategies

9 Ways to handling Tantrums and Meltdowns of Children

July 12, 2023


Golden Parent

Parenting is a difficult job, and one of the biggest challenges is dealing with your child’s tantrums and meltdowns. It can be hard to know how to respond when they just won’t calm down, but there are some strategies you can use to help manage these episodes. Here are nine tips on how parents can handle their child’s tantrums in a way that will create better communication and connection between parent and child.

1. Remain calm

When children are throwing a tantrum or having a meltdown it’s easy for parents to get overwhelmed by their own emotions as well. But it’s important for parents to remain calm so that they can be an effective guide for their children. This means taking deep breaths, counting backwards from 10 if necessary, or simply walking away for a few moments until you have regained your composure.

2. Listen carefully

Once you have calmed yourself down, take time to really listen to what your child is saying during the tantrum. While it might not seem like they are making sense at the time, they may actually be trying to communicate something important through their tears and shouts. By listening carefully you can gain insight into what is really causing the outburst and work together as a team towards resolving it.

3. Offer reassurance

It might feel counterintuitive at first but offering reassurance during a tantrum or meltdown can actually help de-escalate the situation faster than scolding or punishing them ever could. Instead of punishing them for their outburst offer verbal reassurances that you understand how angry/upset/etc they must be feeling right now, without condoning the behavior itself. This will make them feel understood while also teaching them more constructive ways of communicating in future scenarios.

4. Role model emotional regulation

As adults we often forget that our children learn more from observing us than anything else we could say or do — so be mindful of how you handle anger and frustration in front of them! Remember that your children are constantly watching you so try your best to demonstrate healthy ways of regulating emotions instead of lashing out when things don't go your way (even if it's tempting!).

5. Find solutions together

After the initial crisis has passed talk with your child about solutions which would prevent similar situations from happening again in future—but don't make this conversation about blame! Instead focus on working together as a team towards finding mutually beneficial solutions which will make everyone involved happy in future scenarios.

6. Be flexible

Every kid is different so it's important for parents to recognize this fact when approaching tantrums and meltdowns! Some kids might need more space while others need more cuddles; some kids might respond better to distraction techniques while others prefer discussing things directly; some kids might need longer periods of time for calming down than others—so stay flexible if something isn't working out right away!

7. Create a safe space

Kids often feel overwhelmed by strong emotions—but creating a safe physical space helps kids process those feelings without fear and anxiety getting in the way! Consider creating designated safe spaces around the house where kids can go whenever they feel overwhelmed by big feelings (this could be anywhere from under their bed covers to behind closed doors). This will help teach kids how to regulate their emotions without fear or shame attached to it!

8. Communicate in age-appropriate ways

Every kid is different so tailor your communication methods accordingly! Try using age-appropriate language when talking about feelings and situations with younger children (e.g., "I'm feeling sad because..."), provide older children with tools for understanding complicated topics like empathy and self-regulation (e.g., reading books together), etc. — just remember that each kid responds differently so adjust accordingly!

9. Give yourself grace & compassion

Parenting is hard work; there's no denying that fact! So give yourself grace & compassion every step along this journey—it'll help keep things lighthearted & fun even during tough times. Remember you are golden! :)

When dealing with tantrums and meltdowns in children it is recommended remaining calm, listening carefully, offering reassurance rather than punishment, role modeling emotional regulation techniques, finding solutions together as a team, being flexible depending on individual personalities, creating safe physical spaces within homes where children can escape overwhelming emotions, communicating in age-appropriate ways according to individual needs, and finally giving yourself grace and compassion throughout this journey - because parenting is no easy feat! By following these nine tips parents should find themselves better prepared next time there's an outburst from their little ones. :)